Zenit 4,

Grcka 62,

Stari Banovci,




064 472 96 29


E mail:



radno vreme:


od 12h do 18h


1. maj - 1. oktobar

           (obavezno zakazivanje termina poseta)   


Zenit 4,

Grcka 62,

Stari Banovci,




381 64 472 96 29


E mail:



working hours:


from 12h to 18h


1. may - 1. october

(visits must be announced)

Maps :

20°17'17.16"E  44°59'14.71"N   


44.987472°, 20.288067°


(Latitude: 44.987472°, Longitude: 20.288067°)

Magacin “Macura”

Zenit 4, Grčka 62, Stari Banovci



Ovde se nekad skladištilo žito, жито, Grain, Getreide, triticum, σιτάρι...

pre no što bi postalo brašno, брашно, liszt, múka, moka, aro, varo, Mehl, Flour, simila, αλεύρι...

a potom hleb, хлеб, hljeb, kruh, kruv, leb, lebac, kenyér, chlieb, mangro, Brot, Bread, panem, ψωμί...

I ljudi su bili zahvalni.


Alhemičari su se divili toj transformišućoj snazi materije – pokušavali su da rade po ugledu na prirodu. A i antropozof Rudolf Štajner je njome bio fasciniran: “Ostvarujte harmonične odnose sa ljudima oko sebe i živite u skladu sa zakonitostima i ritmovima prirode”. Ipak, dodao je: “Povremeno zastanite i izvršite reviziju svega što vam se događalo u proteklom periodu. Proverite ispravnost svojih postupaka, životnih stavova, ciljeva i sadržaja vašeg života”.


Na mestu gde se nekad skladištilo žito, sada je Magacin: mesto za arhiviranje najrazličitijih umetničkih postupaka. I za reviziju svega što nam se događalo. Nekadašnji “rudnik hleba”, (p)ostao je “rudnik nade”. Tu ćemo sad naći i “Gorgonu”, i Josipa Vaništu, i Julija Knifera, i Gergelja Urkoma, i Nešu Paripovića, i Eru Milivojevića, i Pravina Cherkoorija, i Josepha Beuysa, i Miru Brtku, i Nobuya Abea, i Rašu Todosijevića, i Vladana Radovanovića, i Olgu Jevrić, i Bracu Dimitrijevića, i Marinu Abramović, i Kostu Bogdanovića, i mnoge mnoge druge. Tu ćemo sad možda naći i sebe, zastati, proveriti ispravnost sopstvenih postupaka razmišljajući i diskutujući o arhitekturi, o modi, o filmu, o dizajnu, o teatru... Tu ćemo možda proveriti svoje životne stavove, ciljeve i sadržaje sopstvenog života – pred umetnošću Dragane Ognjenović ili u teatru Nikite Milivojevića... Tu, gde je nekad bilo žito...


Magacin “Macura” je koji kilometar uzvodno od Muzeja “Macura”. Dunavom, od Novih do Starih Banovaca. Ili putem: 25 kilometara od Beograda. Adresa je Zenit 4.


Ako bismo Dunavom, uzvodno, nastavili dalje – od adrese Zenit 1 Muzeja “Macura” u Novim Banovcima, preko adrese Zenit 4 Magacina u Starim – došli bismo do adrese Zenit 3. Tamo negde u Burgenlandu, Gradišću, Várvidéku, Őrvidéku... u pokrajini koja Austriju spaja sa Slovačkom, Mađarskom i Slovenijom.

A gde je adresa Zenit 2? Ona je nizvodno, istim tim Dunavom, u Beogradu. Prote Mateje 18. Tamo gde je Ljubomir Micić – možda pod uticajem alhemičara i Rudolfa Štajnera – maštao o Zeniteumu. Zenit 1, Zenit 2, Zenit 3, Zenit 4...



Radonja Leposavić

Warehouse “Macura”

Zenit 4, Grčka 62, Stari Banovci



It was once the storage of grain, žito, жито, Getreide, triticum, σιτάρι...

before it would become flour, brašno, брашно, liszt, múka, moka, aro, varo, Mehl, simila, αλεύρι...

and then bread, hleb, хлеб, hljeb, kruh, kruv, leb, lebac, kenyér, chlieb, mangro, Brot, panem, ψωμί...

And people were grateful.


Alchemists have admired the transformational power of matter – they were trying to work according to nature. Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner was also fascinated by it: “Make harmonious relationships with the people around you, and live in accordance with the laws and rhythms of nature.” However, he added: “Occasionally stop and review everything that happened to you in the past. Check the validity of your actions, life attitudes, goals, and contents of your life.”


In the place where grain used to be stored, it’s now the Warehouse: a place for the archiving of various art practices. And place where we can review everything that happened to us. The former “bread mine,” became&remained a “mine of hope.” That’s where we’ll now find the “Gorgona,” as well as Josip Vanista, and Julije Knifer, and Gergelj Urkom, and Nesa Paripovic, and Era Milivojevic, and Pravin Cherkoori, and Joseph Beuys, and Mira Brtka, and Nobuy Abe, and Rasa Todosijevic, and Vladan Radovanovic, and Olga Jevric, and Braco Dimitrijevic, and Marina Abramovic, and Kosta Bogdanovic, and many many others. That’s where we’ll now perhaps find ourselves, stop, and check the validity of our own actions, through thinking and discussing architecture, fashion, film, design, theatre... That’s where we’ll maybe check our life attitudes, goals and contents of our own lives – in front of the art of Dragana Ognjenovic or theatre of Nikita Milivojevic... Here, where grain used to be...


Warehouse “Macura” is a few kilometres upstream from the Museum “Macura” by Danube, from New to Old Banovci. Or by road: 25 kilometres from Belgrade. Address is Zenith 4.


If we continue traveling by Danube, upstream – from the Zenith 1 address of the Museum “Macura” in New Banovci, through the Zenith 4 address of the Warehouse in Old Banovci – we would reach the Zenith 3 address. Somewhere in Burgenland, Gradišće, Várvidék, Őrvidék... in the region which connects Austria with Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia.

And where is the Zenith 2 address? It’s downstream, down the very Danube, in Belgrade. Prote Mateje 18 – where Ljubomir Micic – perhaps influenced by alchemists and Rudolf Steiner – was fantasizing about Zenitheum. Zenit 1, Zenit 2, Zenit 3, Zenit 4...



Radonja Leposavić